UET Lahore has changed the merit policy for 2020 admissions. The admissions will be taken with FSC Part-1 marks instead of FSC marks and matric marks are included in the merit policy.
You can find more information about merit criteria from UET Lahore 2020 Admission Policy. UET Lahore has announced the first merit list for 2020.
Table of Contents
Frequently Asked Questions
What is merit of UET Lahore?
Visit UET Lahore Merit List 2011-2019 to view the previous year’s merit list for UET Lahore and sub-campuses –UET KSK, UET Narowal, UET RCET Gujranwala and UET Faisalabad.
How do you calculate merit?
You can calculate merit from our UET Lahore Merit Calculator 2020. The merit criteria according to UET Lahore 2020 admission policy is 30% ECAT Marks, 45% FSC Part-1 and 25% Matric Marks.
How many marks are required for admission in UET Lahore?
You can use our UET Lahore Merit Calculator 2020 to first calculate merit by filling expected marks and then visit UET Lahore Merit List 2011-2019 to get an idea about your admission possibility.
How can I get admission in UET Lahore?
You need to take ECAT Test first and then your merit will be evaluated according to UET Lahore 2020 Admission Policy