I’m going to show you how to unlock Zandalari Trolls as an Allied Race. There are three major steps that are required before unlocking Wow Zandalari Trolls.
Let’s start with some general information. Wow Zandalari Trolls were added in Patch 8.1.5 as an allied race for the Horde. There are the following 9 available classes.
- Zandalari Druid have unique forms that showcase their connection to the dinosaurs of Zandalar
- Hunter starts with a direhorn pet and automatically have the ability to tame dinosaurs.
- Mage
- Monk
- Paladin has its own unique Crusader’s mount.
- Priest has unique totems that fit the Zandalar motif.
- Rogue
- Shaman
- Warrior
Zandalari Racial
Zandalari Trolls also has unique character customization options, as well as jokes, flirts, and dances. They have their own set of racial traits.
- Pterrordax Swoop (active) slows your falling speed for 2 minutes.
- Regeneratin’ (active) regenerates 100% of your health over 6 seconds.
- City of Gold (passive) increases gold earned from creatures by 2%.
- Embrace of the Loa (passive) lets you choose a loa buff by honoring one of the shrines in Dazar’alor. This gives you a permanent buff which can be changed every 5 days.
The options for loa buffs are the following:
- Embrace of Akunda gives your healing abilities a chance to proc another heal on the target.
- Embrace of Bwonsamdi gives your damaging abilities a chance to deal shadow damage to the target healing you for 100% of the damage done.
- Embrace of Gonk increases your movement speed by 5%.
- Embrace of Kimbul gives your damaging abilities a chance to apply a bleed to the target that lasts for 6 seconds and stacks 3 times.
- Embrace of Krag’wa gives you a chance to gain additional health and armor when taking damage.
- Embrace of Pa’ku gives your abilities a chance to increase your critical strike by 4% for 12 seconds.
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How to Unlock Wow Zandalari Trolls
Now, let’s talk about how you can unlock this world of ward Zandalari Trolls Allied Race. There are 3 criteria you need to complete measured by 3 different achievements.
Tides of Vengeance
You need to complete the tides of vengeance campaign to unlock Zandalari Trolls. First is the Zandalari Empire. For this achievement, you need to reach Exalted with the Zandalari Empire faction.
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To gain rep with this faction you need to do a story and world quests in Zuldazar. Also make sure you complete the faction’s emissary quest whenever it’s available, along with faction assaults when they pop up in that zone.

A few other sources of rep include the mission table on your ship, which can have missions that award Zandalari rep. The Island Flotsam item, which can sometimes drop when completing an island expedition. You can also buy it from the Dubloon trader for 100 Seafarer’s Dubloons. It awards 250 Zandalari rep when turned into Jani at the Zocalo in Dazar’alor.
Lastly, you can use a contract that will give you 10 additional reps when completing any world quests in Zandalar or Kul Tiras. Make sure you also keep an eye out for the Darkmoon Faire and World Quest Bonus Event, as both can boost your rep gains.
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Zandalar Forever!
The second achievement you need for unlocking Zandalari Trolls is Zandalar Forever!, which wants you to do all the major storylines in Zandalar.
This includes the achievements awarded for completing the 3 zone storylines. A Bargain of Blood, which is the Blood Gate questline. You get at a max level once you complete all 3 zones with a single character. And The Final Seal, which you get once you finish A Bargain of Blood.

Allied Races: Zandalari Troll
The last achievement you need for unlocking Zandalari Trolls is the Horde version of Tides of Vengeance, which wants you to complete the 8.1 war campaign storyline. To do this achievement, you first need to complete the Horde version of Ready for War, which is the 8.0 war campaign storyline.
Most of the chapters in the war campaign require you to have a certain amount of Honorbound rep, which can be earned from world quests in Kul Tiras, Arathi, and Darkshore; the Honorbound emissary quest; and faction assaults. When you finish Tides Vengeance, you get a quest to do the Battle of Dazar’alor raid, but it’s not required to unlock Zandalari.

Once you complete all 3 of those achievements, go to the Orgrimmar Embassy to pick up the quest A Royal Occasion from Rokhan. This starts the recruitment quest line. Once you finish that quest line, you’ll be able to create a Zandalari Troll on your account. You’ll also be awarded with the Zandalari Direhorn mount, which can be used by any Horde character.
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The last thing I want to mention is the Heritage Armor for this Allied Race. You can unlock it by leveling a Zandalari up to 110 without using any kind of level boosts. Once you earn it, any Zandalari character on your account can use it. And that’s how to unlock Wow Zandalari Trolls!
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You need to complete 3 major tasks to unlock Zandalari Trolls. Tides of Vengeance, Zandalar Forever, and Allied Races. After completing the above tasks you can easily get them.