Does CGPA matter for job placement, internships, or higher studies? This is the question that every college student wants to ask. In this blog, you will learn everything you need to know about CGPA requirements for jobs, internships, or scholarships.
Table of Contents
What is CGPA?
Let’s make it clear…
CGPA is how good you perform in the exams. It is the explanation of your hard work, commitment, and dedication to how good you are at what you do. Someone will argue that most of the students who get good CGPA are crammers.
This can be true and cannot be. But you have to understand that to judge your performance there is always a standard and you need to perform well. CGPA is the criteria that will indicate your performance during the four years. So, CGPA matters in getting a job and for higher studies.
What is the ideal CGPA?
Ideal CGPA is 3.8=>.
Why is that?
It is because it will keep all doors open for you. These days competition is tight. To avail all the opportunities, you need it. Almost all the universities and companies have a percentage for CGPA that will define your merit. So, you understand the importance of high CGPA.
What is the Minimum CGPA?
Minimum CGPA should be 3.3. Most of the industries have this CGPA limit. So, you need to be in a safe zone.
Until When CGPA Matters?
For the first Job, 100% sure. And same is the case with higher studies (Doing MS in good universities which have some percentage of CGPA in the criteria).
After you get the experience of 1-2 years, it will not be the criteria for the Job. But if you switch your field and apply for another type of job role that has nothing common with your previous job role, CGPA will matter there again.
When industries come for job hunt drives or internship drives, they are given a list of students, including their CGPA. So, it is a door opener for you, but it is not the necessary criteria for closing the deal. If you can get an internship in a reputed industry of your interest, it will be helpful for you to secure well in job interviews.
Industries prefer those students who perform well during the internships. Moreover, the network you get to work with during the internship also helps you in getting a good job or good guidance for your career.
So, good grades are critical if you want to get shortlisted for a particular position. They can help you in getting shortlisted and appear in front of an interview panel where you can fully express yourself, but without good grades that is seldom possible.
What are the Things That Matter Other Than CGPA?
Nowadays, employers/corporations look for skills, qualities and experience; attributes that aren’t always captured by one’s CGPA. In other words, your CGPA may get you to the door, but it is not going to close the deal.
There are other important factors – your creativity, interpersonal skills, critical thinking, team spirit, decision-making skills, and presentation and communication ability – that are likely to be far more relevant than the grades you received in your student life.
Therefore, do not only run after grades but also focus on building relevant skills during your student life. CGPA can serve as a predictor of success, but it is not a compulsory measure to employers than the actual experience.
So, get involved with student clubs, event organization, cultural practice and charity/volunteer work during your academic life. All these will give you first-hand experience of the real world. Also, these will help you to build your personality and other traits.
You will learn how to work in a team, how to manage others, how to resolve conflicts, how to take an effective and timely decision, and most importantly how to communicate and lead effectively. These experiences will make you a complete, well-rounded choice for the employer.
Employers Need a Complete Package!
Recruiters look for a ‘complete package’ when hunting for prospective employees for their organization, instead of looking out for the ‘best student’. Your CGPA/grades are surely an important part of this package, but you have to remember that they are not the entire package.
There are other valuable attributes that are needed to be obtained to be a versatile asset for any organization. These are soft skills – often known as life skills – such as self-awareness, critical thinking, effective communication, decision making, creative thinking, problem-solving, empathy, and ability to build interpersonal relationships.
If one can achieve good grades along with relevant life skills and experience, they will be the complete package that employers look for during recruitment.
Also, always try to build and expand your network. This is the age of communication and networking. The bigger your network, the higher will be the chances for you to get a job offer. This is the current worldwide trend and will remain so for at least the next few decades.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much CGPA is required for job placement?
The minimum CGPA for job placement is 3.3 out of 4 or 7 out of 10. This threshold is set up by most of the industries. A good CGPA can increase your chances to grab an internship.
What is considered as a good CGPA?
The ideal CGPA should lie around 3.7+ out of 4 or 7.5+ out of 10 to avail all opportunities related to a job, internship, and higher studies.
Does CGPA matter in heaven?
That’s a funny question. We all know that CGPA is for this physical world. So, don’t take it too hard on the heart.