Here you will get 5 hints on how to make metal in Little Alchemy 2. Also, know what you can make with metal in Little Alchemy. Check it now. Firstly, think of all possible ways to make metal. It is really fun-filled game to test your ideas and thoughts. That’s why we are going to…
Little Alchemy
7 Hints on How to Make Sand in Little Alchemy
Here you will get 7 cheats on how to make sand in Little Alchemy 2. So, there are 7 different combinations to test your knowledge. Check these out. Making sand in Little Alchemy will be fun to use your prior experience. You just have to think of all possible ways by which we can get…
9 Hints on How to Make Wood in Little Alchemy
Here are 9 cheats on how to make wood in Little Alchemy. Try out these alchemy hints and let the fun begin. You can easily understand the alchemy cheats and hints. Think of all possible ways that are necessary to get a wood from a tree and you can easily come up with required combinations….
3 Hints on How to Make Stone in Little Alchemy
Here is a complete guide on how to make stone in Little Alchemy. It’s really fun to use various little alchemy hints. It’s really simple to understand the alchemy cheats and hints. You have to think first what we can combine to make a stone. How to Make Stone in Little Alchemy There are three…