It’s no surprise that air pollution has become a more serious issue in recent years. Today, we’ll go over how indoor air pollution can damage your infant and why an air purifier for the baby might be precisely what your nursery needs.
Nursery is the Place Where Infants Can be at Risk
Most of our minds turn to sources outside the home when we think of air pollution. Unfortunately, pollution is not limited to the outdoors. Indoor contaminants can sometimes be 100 times higher than outdoor levels, as per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
To that end, although you may be eager to finish your baby’s nursery, it may have more impact than you anticipate. Painting, putting up new furniture, carpets, carpeting, or decorations can release toxic VOCs (volatile compounds) into the air, making the nursery one of the most dangerous rooms in the house.
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According to a study conducted by the American Department of Health, chemicals released by some paints increase the incidence of asthma & allergies in small children and young adults. Stains, carpet backing, pressed wood used in furniture, foam padding, and adhesives/glue are some of the other indoor pollution sources in the nursery. Hence, investing in a reliable air purifier for allergies becomes a need. Moreover, parents will not send their babies if your nursery does not take indoor pollution concerns seriously.
Risk Associated with Babies or Toddlers
➤Immune System Get Poor: Because a baby’s immune system is not fully formed, they are more susceptible to sickness. According to the American Lung Association, children are more vulnerable to respiratory illnesses. Therefore, they tend to be more susceptible to the detrimental consequences of air pollution.
➤Increasing Pains: Because organs are quickly growing during infancy and youth, pollution has a greater influence. Inflammation, as well as other damage induced by pollutants, is more vulnerable to a baby’s growth and development. Hence, an air purifier for dust is a mandatory asset for daycare nurseries.
➤Breathing patterns: Babies breathe faster than adults on average. As a result, individuals have a greater chance of inhaling harmful air particles. This is why things like Volatile Organic Compounds in a freshly painted nursery could have severe consequences.
➤Crawling Cooties: It’s called air pollution and all, but a lot of these particles eventually end up on the ground. During the first several years of life, your baby’s playground could be a haze of hazardous particles. Furthermore, babies spend the majority of their time at home.
➤ Infections: Indoor allergies affect about one out of every six children. Also, do not forget about our four-legged buddies! Animal allergies affect over 40% of youngsters. Pet dander, mold spores, and other particles that aggravate allergies can be removed using air purifiers.
➤ Breathing Challenges: Pollutant allergens can worsen asthma symptoms. Household contaminants and technologies have been connected to the growth of asthma in children, according to studies. Several studies have shown that 50-80 percent of children with asthma exhibit symptoms before the age of five. Apart from a nursery, it’s the parents’ responsibility to protect their little ones from indoor pollution by buying a quality bedroom air purifier.
Last Thoughts
Clean air is becoming increasingly crucial for short- and long-term health as more studies are published. Getting an air filter for your newborn is one preventative approach. They work their magic by removing 99.97% of particulates in the room, including germs, VOCs, and allergies. How? Larger particles will be handled first by an antibacterial Pre-Filter. Finally, an Active Carbon filter will eliminate odors and volatile organic compounds (VOC) from the air. Resulting in fresh and clean air that is pleasant to breathe.