Guest blogging has been in trend for many years and even today, its importance and value is still the same, it hasn’t lowered down. It can offer you numerous advantages if you put proper time and effort and submit quality guest posts on a regular basis. There are a lot of businesses who haven’t got the chance of using this tactic for the growth of their website. They might not be knowing how guest posting can benefit their business. Let’s have a look at the benefits that guest posting offers so one can have an idea.
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1. Increase in Traffic on Your Website
Certainly, once you start writing quality articles, your audience will be interested in knowing about you and your business so they will click the links you have added in your posts and this will result in more traffic to your website. More traffic on your website means a higher chance of the leads getting converted into prospective customers.
For this, you have to add the right links of your website pages in the guest posts. The landing pages should be appropriately selected so that the leads don’t bounce off without making any purchase. For example, let’s say you are running a sale on your website. The sale page will be the most suitable landing page that can convert a majority of the leads coming from the backlinks.
2. Increase in Social Media Followers
It is vital to have a nice social media page with an active and high number of followers to promote your products and services well on it. More followers means your business is reaching a wide audience and it is eventually surfacing to become a brand.
Guest posting can help you gain more social media followers. You just need to add your social media page links at the end of your guest posts so your audience can follow you on them. If your audience likes your post, not only will they be tempted to follow you on social media but they will share it with their connections as well, eventually bringing a rise in your followers count.
3. Improves Page Rank
There is a significant chance of improving your page rank when you start an active guest posting. When you add links to your guest post, your audience will click on it to know more about you if they like your post. These redirections coming to your website are termed as backlinks. Backlinks from high DA (domain authority) websites are considered good by Google and this will improve your SEO score and eventually your page rank.
It is advisable to guest post on websites having a domain authority of more than 25 as those websites are of good quality. If you guest post on websites having an inferior rating of domain authority, your SEO score will degrade so you should focus on backlinks from quality websites only. Remember quality is important than quantity!
4. Makes Your Brand Popular
Credibility of you as a writer and your business will increase when you publish quality articles on a regular basis. Your audience will start liking your work, love to know more about you and the services you provide, take more interest in checking out your other blogs, follow you on social media, share your posts with their connections etc. This increases your brand value and your business will start becoming a popular brand eventually increasing your sales.
So, here were the key benefits that guest posting provides to businesses. It is a vital marketing strategy that can take a business to new heights. Initially, if you find it hard to take out time for the guest posting work, you can work with guest blogging services.
Guest blogging services are agencies that work closely with you to find out the guest posting platforms of your niche, write quality guest posts on your behalf and publish them on the host website. They can deliver fruitful results within a short span of time due to their varied experience of working with different bloggers.
Whatever way you choose, whether you work alone or with guest post services, start guest blogging asap to leverage the full advantages it provides to grow your business to new heights!