Technology has entered most facets of the business world. For corporate travel managers, it’s worth adopting travel management software. The software helps them compile reports and uncover valuable opportunities.
Plus, it’s a great way to organize information that other departments need from you. For example, the finance departments aim to ensure that corporate travel stays on budget.
Innovators make up just under three percent of the population. Then, 13.5% of the people fall into the early adopter category. The bulk of the population falls into the mainstream adopter category at 34%.
Business professionals benefit from adopting new technology early. At the least, they should test it and see if it’s a good fit.
Software developers seek ways to improve processes. The result of their efforts is productivity apps, customer relationship management platforms, and browser add-ons.
It’s essential to adopt helpful technology that already benefits the competition.
The following are seven ways to stay up-to-date with the latest technology.
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1. Network with Your Peers
Networking with your peers is a great way to find out what tech they use. Then, you can decide if it’s something that you want to adopt too.
All peers aren’t in competition with each other. You might manage the sales team at a consulting company, and your peer might manage the one at a manufacturer.
Peers can form beneficial partnerships. They can help each other solve problems by sharing technology or theories.
2. Attend Trade Shows
There is no shortage of annual trade shows, conferences, or seminars for business professionals. Associations and professional organizations also hold them for members of their fields.
These events help professionals network. Some professionals attend to earn continuing education credits toward their license or certification renewals.
In addition, they can find out what new tools have become available for their profession, including technology.
3. Read Industry Material
Although a lot of industry material has gone digital, professionals should subscribe to their respective trade journals and magazines.
Subscriptions to these publications have a price. You might pay $100 annually or receive them with your association membership. Thus, expect to receive meaningful content inside the pages.
Many associations are non-profit organizations seeking to provide their members with educational materials. They also focus on research and report their findings.
Thus, the associations might test new technology and make recommendations based on their experiences.
4. Check in with IT Department
Most companies have at least one IT professional in their organization. Corporations and enterprises usually have an in-house IT department.
Regardless of your company’s size, check in with the IT department. It’s their job to improve the organization’s tech abilities. These professionals also oversee network security and computer hardware health and have a passion for tech.
Therefore, IT professionals double as great technology resources.
5. Explore Online Stores
Research shows that 97% of Americans own a cell phone. The majority of cell phone owners own a smartphone with 85%.
Exploring your smartphone’s online app stores is another way to discover what’s trending in the latest technology.
Apps make your smartphone more productive; it also makes it more intelligent. By exploring the trending section, you can find something that interests you.
6. Research the Business Market
Next, research the overall business market. Your peers and IT department will give you insight into the most relevant tech for your position and industry. It’s also worth exploring what tech is sweeping the business world.
Entrepreneurs and proactive professionals borrow from other industries and positions. ingAdopt tech from others and incorporating it into your business operations is possible.
7. Test It
Now that you have found new technologies across several resources, test them.
Some tech lives up to the hype. Others are designed for specific audiences. You won’t know until you try them out for yourself.
Silicon Valley continually tries to improve itself. Since it attracts so many entrepreneurs, each feels like minor tweaks can revolutionize the wheel.
Before you release a new technology as a company-wide initiative, test it. You want to compare it to your company’s current tech. If it works better, then it’s a winner.
Staying up to date with the latest technology requires a proactive approach. Check-in with your peers and the IT team. Then, test their recommendations. If you like them, you found tech that can improve your business operations or professional productivity.