TikTok is a social networking platform that allows users to share short videos from the 15s to 180s. The appearance of TikTok has created a fever, attracting hundreds of millions of users worldwide.
The development of TikTok does not stop there but tends to be more explosive because, since the pandemic, people are staying at home more, the need for entertainment and connection increases.
You can upload videos and share your TikTok videos with others. You want your video to be known by many people. TikTok, like YouTube and Instagram, has its own set of algorithms. On TikTok, there is something called FYP (For Your Page). What kinds of content suggestions are accepted for the FYP?
First, let’s learn a little about FYP.
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What is FYP (For Your Page)?
FYP ( For Your Page ) is the TikTok app’s recommendation page that comes first on the user’s screen when they open it. FYP is the first thing you see when you start the TikTok app. Many recommended videos are given to you on this FYP website. Many parameters, including content ideas, are used to sort the videos displayed.
So what content ideas will make it to FYP TikTok? Here are some cool TikTok content ideas to help get your videos into FYP.
5 Creative Ideas TikTok interesting content to join FYP
1. Guide
Content guide neverdie! The human’s desire to learn and discover is unlimited, so videos with instructional content will never be out of date and are always sought after. Therefore, the video idea of how-to content is well worth a try.
You can create instructional content in every area, from photo editing, video editing, dancing to cooking tutorials. Just tailor it to the topic or topics you want to discuss. Continue to create instructional content consistently, ensuring that many people will be interested.
2. Education or information
Who says TikTok just attracts a large number of viewers when it comes to entertainment? In fact, many consumers are interested in instructional and informational content.
For example, during the pandemic, information related to the Covid epidemic is interesting and sought by many people.
So you can also try creating similar content. These types of content ideas are fantastic for those of you who enjoy sharing your knowledge and views with the general audience.
3. Beauty & Fashion
We cannot deny that appearance is one of the most important things for a person to pay personal attention to. This makes the content about fashion & beauty become one of the most popular contents on TikTok.
If you like fashion and make-up, try making a video make-up-up or dressing. If you enjoy following the fashion world, try sharing the fashion trends that are exploding in recent times. You can also make video costume mix-and-match videos, which have a large following.
4. Storytelling
Storytelling is one of the things you often see on YouTube, so you can create similar content on TikTok. Because the length of videos on TikTok is limited, the content storytelling must be condensed while remaining brief and easy to comprehend.
You can also break the content into many pieces, which will pique your audience’s interest and keep them waiting for the next installment. Simply tweak the tale you want to tell so you don’t feel obligated to tell it.
5. Challenges
Challenge content is the final TikTok content suggestion for the FYP. TikTok has a lot of trending challenges, such as singing challenges, dance challenges, or other challenging challenges. As a result, using this type of content will make it easier for you to break into the FYP.
These are five TikTok content ideas for FYP and viral success. Naturally, with the correct content ideas, FYPing your films will be a breeze.
In addition, please share the videos you are satisfied with on other social networks. To do so, you need to first download TikTok video and then just post it on other social media sites and you can go viral. I will introduce to you some TikTok downloaders that support downloading TikTok videos without watermarks for free with just a few easy steps, which are TikMate, SnapTik…
I Hope you create videos with interesting content.