JavaScript is a must in modern web development. It works closely with HTML and CSS and is in charge of interactive sites. Interaction means a lot. It comprises the speed of loading and responding, the convenience of the site for the user, as well as the general design. All those criteria influence the choice of the user. Whether the user will like the page and stay on it for some time or leave it in a couple of seconds without a chance for a comeback is unknown. Web development is a crucial part of any successful business. Your web page is the face of your company, and to make this face pretty, you need competent experts in the team and powerful tools to arm them. As a result, JavaScript should be thoroughly learned and steadily improved upon.
In this overview, we have compiled a list of tips on mastering the level of JS proficiency that will allow developers to be in the loop with the latest technologies and tendencies.
Study hard.
This is the most obvious tip of all. To do something well, you need to learn. To become a professional, you require 10,000 hours of practice, they say. So, make sure you have studied the theory before you practice. In JavaScript coding, even a missed colon or inverted comma may cause a bunch of bugs. So, be attentive to details and learn your lessons.
Remember to cross-browser.
Different browsers may render the JS code differently, resulting in compatibility issues. To avoid those problems, any web application or website page should be tested on various browsers. There are solutions like LambdaTest that allow developers to test any page online on a special platform.
Keep an object-oriented approach.
Object-oriented programming treats complex things as simple objects. Classes represent shared characteristics of the objects and contain methods that are applicable to the objects of one class. Thus, the object-oriented approach allows developers to divide complex structures into manageable, simple chunks that are easy to read and understand. So, it is not a problem for a new developer to understand your code, to use it, and debug it if needed.
Always test.
Testing is as important as development itself, so do not underestimate it. Testers and QA engineers are responsible for checking every input and field for bugs. This process ensures a quality product that will be thoroughly checked and will only bring positive performance experience to the users.
Make use of relevant tools.
Save your time and effort. JavaScript is not new, so there are many developers who have used it and created some helpful solutions for their peers. Why create JS components from scratch if there are enough elaborately designed elements in the JS libraries. The Webix JavaScript UI framework, for instance, offers more than 100 widgets and single-page applications that can be used as bricks in the process of building an interface with any requirements. If there is an opportunity to facilitate the process, use this chance.
Look into DOM.
The Document Object Model represents the HTML page as a tree structure. With so many frameworks and libraries available on the market today, determining what DOM is may feel a little out of date. However, it is better to be a bit old-school here. If you wish to become a true expert, you should get into the details. You should know what will follow the changes in the properties of your HTML code and how they will be reflected in the page structure. Without this knowledge, you cannot be called a master.
Be aware of memory leaks.
It often happens with JS that you reserve some memory through variables and objects, but you do not use it. As a result, you face the runtime slowing down and poor performance. To avoid such issues, make sure you maintain your code and use special tools in the browsers, like garbage collectors.
Study hard 2.0.
If you think you are done with your studies, I will disappoint you. Experts never stop mastering their skills. The easiest way is to read somebody else’s code and think critically about it. Other options include staying up-to-date with the latest books, Youtube channels, newsletters, social networks, and developer communities like Stack Overflow. JavaScript is one of the most commonly used languages today, so there is always something new around regarding technologies, tendencies, and hype.
To become a master, you need to learn, practice, and do those two things on repeat. Even if you consider yourself an expert today, it doesn’t mean you will keep this title in two days if you stop constantly staying on the edge of a technological wave. Technologies are developing at a fast speed, but this is what we like about them.