As years have gone by, online casino gaming has moved closer and closer to the general concept of gaming as most people would understand it. Casino companies have worked on games to make them look better, sound more original and stick in players’ minds in the way standard video games do. And if you visit any of the sites featured on, you can see the impact this has had. Casino slots, in particular, have come a long way since they were just bells, bananas and cherries falling in a line.
Of course, there are still differences, which is no surprise given that video games cost a lot of money to buy and to make, and that they have dedicated equipment to make it possible to play them. One obvious difference is that a video game can always be beaten. If you can’t progress through the levels, and eventually take on the final boss, you will lost interest. Casinos can’t offer that same certainty, because if you win they lose. But there are always tricks that help you beat video games. Are there tricks you can use at an online casino?
First of all, not really
There is no sure-fire way to win at an online casino. Why not? Because if you could do so, you would be able to play and win all the time, and keep taking the casino’s money. They need that to survive, so they’re not going to offer games that can be hacked or with a short-cut to success. Please note, if anyone is offering you that option, they are lying to you. It’s like offering a car that never needs fuelling: the result would be the destruction of a multi-billion dollar industry. You simply can’t – ever – guarantee success.
Can you make it more likely?
Now we’re on more interesting ground. On the most basic level, the obvious answer to this question is “Yes”. You can make success in an online casino more likely. But that in itself isn’t a particularly helpful answer. How do you make it more likely? You swerve the games that are less likely to pay out and you make low-risk bets. Low risk, of course, also means low reward, so while you can increase your chances of success, you will be decreasing your chances of great success. If you’re patient, though, it is worth bearing in mind.
The secret ingredient is patience
The most consistently successful casino players will always be those who are able to wait, eke out every small crack in the casino’s edge, and bet steadily and carefully until there is an opportunity. This is something that can’t generally be done on slots, where each new roll of the reels is a new game in itself. Being patient, in this case, means looking for the right blackjack table with the most player-friendly rules, doubling down when the odds turn in your favor, and not pushing things. There is no such thing as a lucky streak, and the best casino players realise that when their luck seems to be in, that is when they should get out.
Can you use tricks to win at an online casino? No – but if you have patience and knowledge, you can definitely increase your chances.