Traumatic injury is the leading cause of death and disability in the US. Some of the most common traumatic injuries include TBI (traumatic brain injury), spinal cord injuries and fractures, concussions, and crush injuries. Traumatic injuries can be life-changing, with long-term effects sometimes ranging from anxiety to short-term memory problems, sleep disturbances, irritability, and low energy. If a member of your family has experienced such an injury, what steps can you take to ensure they have all the tools they need to rest and recover?
Seeking Legal Help
The leading causes of traumatic injuries include traffic accidents and work injuries. If a negligent driver or unsafe workspace was to blame, then it is important to see help from an experienced personal injury attorney. Receiving the compensation they are entitled to will enable them to afford the different types of therapy (including occupational, speech and language, and physical therapy) they may require to recover. Many traumatic injuries take weeks or months to recover from, and some can have long-term consequences. Your loved one may not be able to return to work immediately or at the same level as before their accident. A savings nest will enable them to take their time and prioritize their health, which can help lower their stress levels.
Joining a Support Group
Your loved one may find it helpful to form part of a support group, where they can talk about issues relating to their injury, pick up useful coping strategies, and receive companionship and support from others who have been through similar experiences. There are many specialized support groups for different types of injury. Some groups offer virtual assistance. For TBIs, for instance, national online support groups include Severe BI Caregivers (which provides support to individuals and families dealing with a serious brain injury), TryMunity (a social community for survivors of brain injuries), and the Smart Patients Brain Injury Discussion (or patients and carers dealing with TBIs).
Embracing Holistic Treatments
Recent research conducted at the University of Connecticut has found that yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-centered activities can help soothe chronic concussion symptoms. The findings are important, because these symptoms (which include fatigue, depression, and anxiety) can be notoriously difficult to quell. The researchers found that mind-body interventions produced remarkable improvement. The secret to the success of these holistic pursuits seems to be their ability to strengthen certain pathways in the brain. They recommend that people dealing with mild concussion begin with a mediation app or online meditation group to learn the basics, setting aside around 10 minutes per day for this type of activity.
A traumatic injury can be a big obstacle to the hopes, dreams, and daily tasks of a loved one. Coping may take time, but there are many strategies they can adopt to ease their recovery. First, seek legal advice, to obtain any compensation your loved one may be entitled to. Make sure they see the therapists they need, including physical therapists and psychotherapists. Encourage them to join a support group and/or pursue holistic activities like mindfulness, to reduce symptoms like anxiety and depression.