The divorce process is often difficult and confusing for even the most experienced and knowledgeable person. If a person wants to start a divorce proceeding, they will look for the best and easiest way to locate and hire a lawyer that can provide guidance and help them win the legal battle.
Legistify offers 5 top tips to help you hire the best lawyer in India for your case regarding divorce.
Choose the type of divorce you wish to file. The first step is to determine which type of divorce would be most appropriate for your situation. There are two types of divorcing in India: mutual consent divorce or contested divorce.
Mutual consent divorce in India is where the husband and the wife come to an agreement about the terms and circumstances of the divorce. The husband and wife will reach an agreement on maintenance/alimony, custody of any children born from the marriage, and division of property. Divorce proceedings are handled jointly by the divorcing spouse, and not by different lawyers.
Contested divorce can be initiated by either the husband/wife against the other. A divorce petition may be filed for any reason that is allowed by Indian divorce laws. To avoid conflict of interest when presenting the divorce petition to court, both husband and wife must hire separate divorce advocates.
Choose the type of legal services that you would like. You have the option to choose the type of divorce you want and how you want it to be handled. You can rely on hearsay to find a recommendation from a distant friend. You have the option to use the Internet to search for a good Indian divorce lawyer. Online searching for a lawyer is more effective than traditional methods. You can read reviews from previous clients and learn about the specific areas the lawyer specializes in, which will help you make an educated decision.
Find information about different lawyers according to your case and budget. If you decide to search online for a lawyer, do your research thoroughly. Don’t assume that only the first few results will give you the right direction. Choose the platform/website that provides you with all the information about Indian divorce lawyers. If you are using the internet to search for a lawyer, ensure that you finalize the one that sets the fees and details about the lawyer.
Choose a lawyer to consult: Once you have found the website that you can search for divorce lawyers online, it is important that you consult a lawyer before you proceed with your court case. Talk to the lawyer first. Discuss all possible legal options for your divorce, ask any questions you may have about the process, and determine if the lawyer suits your needs. Only hire a divorce attorney if you are satisfied with the legal plan.
It can be difficult to hire a divorce attorney. This is a difficult decision that should be made with care and diligence. To hire a lawyer, it is crucial to plan and follow a procedure. After you’ve made sure you follow all of the tips above, you can hire this company for best conclusion.