Your living room is the shared space of your home. You share it with your family and with your guests, so it’s no surprise that you’d want to keep it at its best. You have to look at it every day, after all.
If you feel like your living room needs an upgrade, maybe to inject some extra fun into the room, or to get some luxury from the room you use to relax, there are a few things you can do to give your living room an upgrade. A few art pieces, some quality curtains, and some new flooring will take your living room from drab to fab. Read on to find out how.
The all-white interior design complex may look good in magazines and LA mansions, but that’s because they’re boring. The all-white look is designed to be bland enough to allow you to imagine yourself there, allowing no room for personality to shine through.
If you’ve been living in a room that you’ve just realised is full of, if not white, then neutral-toned, colours and you need a change, the walls are where to start.
It’s simple enough to head to the colour chart in your DIY store and browse the many bold colours that can take away the headache that something so white induces.
You can dip your toe in and look at the muted or pastel colours, so it’s not too much, or make a statement by heading to the wallpaper aisle and picking out something for an accent wall.
Maybe you have made smaller moves like rearranging the furniture, changing color schemes, or switching up art pieces. But nothing seems to make a lasting impression. It may be because they have all happened on or around the same flooring from when you moved in.
There is no doubt that the flooring is now full of scratches and chips and has changed color. It may be time to call an expert flooring installer to help replace worn-out flooring and get your kitchen looking extravagant again.
For a practical change that will look as luxurious as solid wood floors, look into engineered wood flooring. It is the happy medium between solid and laminate flooring, offering the look and feel of solid wood flooring with a stabilising base for more versatility.
Engineered wood flooring is far easier to maintain than solid wood flooring and won’t have the same troubles with expanding and shrinking in the heat.
You can even install underheating with it. Imagine feeling the warmth through that solid wood floor when you get up for a cup of tea on a cold night.
If your living room is looking a little bare for your liking, there are two things you can do: tell everyone it’s minimalist or see about some décor.
Decorative pieces are a great, and cheap, way of injecting some personality into your home. Think about the colour scheme of your living room and have a look around for some complimentary items.
Maybe you have a secret passion for art. You can make a simple art piece without too much talent, keep it bold and place it on your wall for an injection of colour and intrigue.
Best of all, it’s a way of upgrading your living room without losing your rent deposit.