The Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT), is a psychometric exam intended to examine a pupil’s ability to flourish in medical school as well as in a medical environment in the future. Most Australian college medical schools, along with GEMSAS, use GAMSAT as a trustworthy way of recognizing prospective pupils to start their medical voyage to becoming a physician.
GAMSAT’s testing format hasn’t changed much since 2020, when it underwent some drastic changes. ACER put these changes in place in order to ensure the graduate admission procedures were unimpaired.
While the majority of students think GAMSAT an extremely arduous test, if they receive a high score on it, they will be guaranteed a favorable spot at their choice of medical colleges. However, you have to consider that getting a great score on the GAMSAT isn’t a simple procedure. Takers must have the proper perseverance to overcome this arduous test, which on average takes nearly five hours of testing time.
Of course, takers will have likely spent a lot of time and hard work getting ready for the GAMSAT. This often involves looking for the best Gamsat preparation courses. Nevertheless, the received GAMSAT score in the end is dependent on how they do on test day. This means that if the taker is optimistic, has a good stress management plan, and a good head on their shoulders, this truly makes a huge difference in their final score.
To assist you in how you do on GAMSAT test day, here’s several tips which will positively affect your results.
Top GAMSAT Tips to Apply on GAMSAT Test Day, and the best Gamsat preparation courses.
Table of Contents
Get to the testing site early
Don’t forget your GAMSAT test day is a fundamental part of attaining your career objective. Therefore, it’s vital you as well-prepared as possible to deal with any unanticipated situations. Plus you must have a good head on your shoulders with a great attitude in order to do your best.
To begin with, leave for the test at a time that will allow you to handle any sort of problem that may happen on the way. The time you leave depends on how you’re getting to the test site, i.e. public transport, a friend or you’re driving yourself. However you plan to get there, you need to plan accordingly several days in advance of your GAMSAT exam.
If you get to the testing site early, you’ll have plenty of time to make sure you get to the correct room. Plus you’ll have lots of time to do things like go to the bathroom ahead of the test or get yourself a nice hot coffee to enjoy while you wait for it to start.
The main thing to remember is to be mentally ready for the GAMSAT test. If you get there early, as well as stay calm, collected, and composed, you’ll be sure to do the best you can.
Gather Up Pertinent GAMSAT Test Documents
The GAMSAT test is well-known for being a really arduous pain in the rear paperwork wise. There’s really good reasons for this, because its identification process guarantees no one is taking the exam for another student. Therefore, it’s vital you gather up the appropriate documents prior to taking the test so you have plenty of time to get orientated, as well as find the right testing place and spot you’re supposed to go that day to take the exam.
Be sure you have packed everything you need the day prior to your scheduled test, to include:
The Printed Admission Test to Take the GAMSAT
2 photo ID documents
Other needed items such as pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners and additional scrap paper
Bring some light snacks to eat during the allocated half-hour intermission. Note- Be sure whatever snack you bring won’t be something that makes you sleepy, as that will cause concentration problems and you won’t do as well on the remaining sections of the test.
Personal medicines, if needed.
Be certain you bring water or a non-caffeinated, non-carbonated drink so you won’t get dehydrated. Don’t drink a lot of it, however, since you only get one bathroom break during the test.
Bring a sweater or some sort of coat just in case the test room is cold.
ACER issues a GAMSAT Info Booklet, and it can assist you in checking off things you have to bring on GAMSAT exam day. The list will help you avoid last-second problems prior to the test.
Treat yourself to morale boosting activities prior to the test
Yes – that’ doesn’t precisely refer to ‘on the exact date’, however, for example you wouldn’t run in a race 24 hours before you were supposed to be running in a 26 mile marathon. So, the day prior to taking the GAMSAT it’s a good idea to treat yourself to some stress busting actions so you’ll be relaxed and calm on test day.
It doesn’t matter what those activities are since everyone is different. Some listen to their favorite tunes, some may play a video game, or read, or whatever they do to relax. However, if you normally do sports to get rid of stress, be sure you don’t take part in some sort of action where you could be injured! You don’t want to be unable to take the GAMSAT the next day. And you don’t want anything to mess up your potential performance!
Secondly, besides doing someth8ing relaxing, it’s a good idea to get enough sleep so you’ll be fresh and energetic all day. It’s suggested to hit the sack early so you can get eight hours of rest since test day is going to put a big demand on your body and you don’t want to get burned out.
Don’t Ingest Any Caffeine GAMSAT Test Day
The GAMSAT test is expected to be mentally grueling, so even if you think taking in a large amount of caffeine could make things better, don’t forget it similarly makes you go to the bathroom more often. GAMSAT last 5 and a half hours, and that includes any breaks. Therefore, it’s a good idea not to take up those hours by going to the bathroom, since this test is very time-intensive.
Don’t Eat Heavily GAMSAT Test Day
Don’t eat a heavy meal, but you should eat a breakfast full of carbohydrate, as that will give you lots of energy physically as well as mentally. Eating heavily makes a person sleepy. Some great alternatives to bring are fruit or granola bars to keep you going on your testing day.
Breathe Deeply, Don’t Forget Your Objectives
On test day, people tend to be nervous, however, it’s vital to remember your objectives. Don’t forget, much of the weight of your application to a medical college program is dependent on what you do. So get ready to force yourself to get through all the upcoming mental issues.
GAMSAT’s question topics are distinct so they can evaluate a person’s cognitive skill under a high pressure situation. As long as you give your all on test day, no matter if you get a top score or not, you’ll know your present baseline level as well as where you need to make improvements.
In conclusion, if you should get a low score, it’s still better to realize you did everything right exam day so you’re able to correctly distinguish where improvements need to be made.
What’s Next?
Hopefully this article tops off your preparation for the GAMSAT exam, along with all your many hours of study and work. Hopefully these last minute bits of advice are going to make certain you do the best you can do on the GAMSAT test.