Looking for a newborn baby gift ideas can be fun and exciting. When new parents bring a newborn home from the hospital, they quickly realize that a frilly dress is not the most practical gift! A newborn needs comfort more than anything else. Find
Newborn Gift Baskets
Gift baskets that provide these comforts make wonderful newborn gifts. The first thing you need is a basket. You can determine how many products you need, and how much you will need to spend, by the size of the basket! A wicker basket that can be re-used is a good starting place. Wicker baskets can usually be found at any craft store, and they come in all sizes.
You can fill the basket with a variety of items, but don’t forget the comfort items! Comfort items include baby lotion, shampoo, wipes, baby swaddle blankets, and even a bottle warmer. Travel size items are also a great idea for your basket. A diaper bag fills up very quickly if you don’t have travel-size items, such as wipes, lotion, and hand sanitizer. If you know the sex of the child, you can customize your basket in traditional colors such as blue or pink. Both green and yellow are good neutral colors for both boys and girls.
Once you have your comfort items, use a few filler items for a more personal touch. A stuffed animal, a rubber duck, a few bath items, toys, and even a CD of lullabies can fill in the empty spots. Keep in mind that toys for newborns should be black and white or very bright since newborns have very blurry vision for the first few months. Once your gift items are secure, add a few finishing touches. If your basket has a handle, attach a large matching ribbon at the top. Wrap the entire basket with cellophane to give your gift a professional look. Gift baskets are a great idea since you can set your own budget and use your own ideas to create a very practical gift with a personal touch!
Stimulation Gifts For Newborns
Newborns can see when they are born, but vision is quite blurry for the first couple of months. Newborns are unable to distinguish colors until approximately three months old. When purchasing gifts for newborns, it is important to remember that black and white toys, or toys with highly contrasting colors, are best for stimulation.
One idea is black, white, and red infant stimulation flashcards. The high contrast between black, white, and red is designed for early stimulation of the youngest newborns. These cards come with a reverse pattern on each side. Some cards come with baby faces on the reverse side. Studies show that these cards help newborn concentration, can soothe and calm a fussy baby, increase attention span, and enhance curiosity. You can purchase good-quality laminated cards that come with clips for hanging on a baby’s car seat, bouncy seat, or crib. There are many varieties of these flashcards available at retail stores and online.
Mind shape toys are another variety of infant stimulation toys. These toys come in the shapes of squares, triangles, and circles, and are varied in textures. They encourage little hands to grab, feel and hold on. Each side of the shape has a design or face in a highly contrasting color. Soothing sounds and noisemakers come from each shape, so newborns are encouraged to listen and look.
Activity gyms designed for infant stimulation are also available. Most gyms are designed for older babies, but many come with a base blanket for newborns. These blankets are designed for infant sensory stimulation with bright colors, different textured materials, and small mirrors. These gifts are designed with the unique characteristics of newborns in mind.
Whatever gift you choose, parents will appreciate a gift designed to enhance their newborn’s brain development.