50% of people visit our (this) blog from mobile applications. Moreover, their share is growing every day. And this once again suggests that “mobilization” is coming at a frantic pace. Therefore, many sites have made a mobile version, however, which we did with our blog. But even if all traffic is consumed by mobile devices,…
How to write an abstract for your paper?
There are some necessary components of a perfect research paper or article. The abstract is one of them. It is the key section of your paper due to many reasons. When you send your paper for review or editing, the editors first read the abstract of your paper. And when your paper becomes clear and…
Key differences between game development and game design
Video games are developed by a developer who can be represented by either one person or a company. Typically, large-scale commercial games are developed by development teams within a computer or console game company. The development of an AAA project costs from $ 1,000,000 or more. For Russian companies, the development of a medium-sized project…
How to Become Master of Coordinate Geometry?
Do you find Maths scary? You may find some concepts more difficult than others. The key is to understand the basics of the concept and solve a lot of practice questions based on the topic. Let’s take coordinate geometry as an example. What is coordinate geometry? Coordinate geometry forms a connection between algebra and geometry. You are…
5 Things You Need To Know Before Taking Certbolt CompTIA Network+ Certification
CompTIA Network+, unlike other vendor-specific network certifications, prepares professionals to support networks regardless of platform. It follows that the Network+ accreditation exam or just N10-007 certifies you have the necessary networking knowledge and skills to pursue a career in the digital world. How Do I Get Certified In CompTIA Network+? The Certbolt CompTIA Network+ is…
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple – How to Give This Great Fruit to Your Pet?
Dogs are omnivores, but meat predominates in their diet. Fruits and vegetables are not necessary for them, but they are useful because they balance the daily menu. Meat provides them with protein and fat, while a plant-based diet is rich in vitamins and minerals that are not in meat meals (or are insufficient). Kip dog…