Learn the true meaning of “Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder “ as you visit the city of Konstanz which is located on the banks of Lake Constance in southern Germany. It is a lively and vibrant city which has many attractions and activities. Konstanz houses one of the largest lakes in Europe which is ideal for sailing, boating and swimming. It is a medieval city making it an architectural delight with its imperfect but perfect cobblestone streets of Niederburg to the centuries-old Konstanz Munster. The remarkable legacy of Konstanz dates back to the stone age and still remains nearly unchanged. At the SEA LIFE Konstanz where you challenge yourselves and your budding marine biologists to cross the Red Sea which lies encompassed in an eight-meter-long tunnel. Take a trip to the Muenster UnsererLieben Frau which is an eleventh-century church with a majestic Rotunda and an impressive crypt. Bodenseetherme is a wholesome fam jam activity as you spend some exciting time at the geothermal spa. Constance Harbour is one of the favourite hangout and the first thing that catches your attention is the Imperia Statue. Erlebniswald Mainau is for adventure junkies as you have fun enjoying a forest walk on ropeways and bridges.
SEA LIFE Konstanz
Enjoy a trip to SEA LIFE Konstanz which houses around three thousand five hundred marine creatures in thirty-five pools and is located at a very short distance from Lake Constance. The visitors especially children get a chance to discover creatures of manners ranging from docile Gentoo penguins to sea turtles and even the deadly piranhas. As you visit the Glacial Cave at SEA LIFE you come across Coregonus Wartmanni which is a freshwater fish that is only found in Lake Constance and considered very tasty by the locals but is not an endangered species. Discover and explore the Red Sea as along the way you visit the inhabitants of the exhibition. Stroll across the eight-meter-long tunnel as you come face to face with black-tip sharks and sea turtles. Get a chance to follow the virtual Belugas as they journey through the chilling Iceland waters and nurse sea turtles back to health.
Munster Unserer Lieben Frau
Munster Unserer Lieben Frau is known to foreigners as Minster of Our Lady . The church dates back to the seventh century and is known for its Gothic Romanesque architecture which was constructed in the eleventh century and took a very long time to complete and was completed in 1860 when the neo-Gothic tower was raised. The cathedral is the tallest building in Old Town with a towering height of fifty-two metres. which can be ascended and has scenic views of the town. The Crypt of the church has ancient treasures and the Mauritius Rotunda has Gothic and Renaissance murals. The Catholic church is known for its frescos, two organs and an observation deck which is open for public visitations.
Lake Constance
One of the points of interest besides the SEA LIFE Konstanz is Lake Constance. It is a famous tourist destination as this Alpine Lake is known for its seasonal water sports. The lake known as Bodenesse in Germany is sixty-three kilometres long and borders Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The Bodenesse Radweg cycle path encompasses the entire lake and is about 260 kilometres. The lake gives the visitors to see natural and historic wonders . Bewitching mountain vistas, orchards and vineyards are easily accessible along Lake Constance. There is a train route around the lake which halts at all major attractions.
No need to swipe your smartphone Aquarium Tickets as you visit this next tourist attraction. Imperia is a statue standing tall at the entrance of Konstanz which marks the occasion of the Council of Constance which was held from 1414 to 1418 and accepted the resignation of the papal claimants. It is a concrete statue which stands tall at a height of nine metres and weighs around eighteen tonnes and stands on a pedestal which rotates on its axis in every three minutes. The statue was designed by Peter Lenk and was erected in 19993 on the private property of a rail company. The statue depicts a woman holding Pope Martin V and Emperor Sigismund.
Visit this unique flower island in Germany which lies just off the shore of Lake Constance located in the far southwest Germany. The island is easily accessible via a bridge which features gardens, parks and a greenhouse. You can witness magnificent colours across the Mainu Island in all four seasons. The annual Orchid Show showcases more than three thousand orchids which are in full bloom from the months of March up till May. Experience and explore the world of gentle butterflies at the Butterfly House. Administratively the island has been part of Konstanz since December 1971. Frederick I Grand Duke of Baden, created the island’s arboretum which has around five hundred species of coniferous and deciduous trees. Due to the suitable climate at the lake palms and other Mediterranean plants grow easily on this drop-shaped island.
Emperor’s Fountain
Proceed towards this tourist hotspot beside the SEA LIFE Konstanz. The Emperor’s Fountain is a popular meeting point of the city , It dates back to the nineteenth century AD and stands tall at a height of five metres and a diameter of around twelve metres and features imperial figures and scenes that tell the fables of Middle ages about the Roman Empire in Konstanz. The fountain was created in 1897 and was the brainchild of the sculptor Hans Baur during the 1940s the fountain lost most of its original embellishing figures. Professor Gernot Rumpf redesigned the structure and concealed it with allusions to Konstance’s Past. On the fountain are visible the portraits of three Emperorors-Friedrich Barbarossa, Otto the Great and Maximillian with his outstretched hands. A pair of pigeons depicted here are classified as bishop, emperor, religious and worldly power. The document about the Konstanz Peace Treaty of 1183 is visible in bronze. The three-headed peacock with its three tiaras represents the three Popes and Antipopesat the time of Great Schisma