When you have lost someone you cared about or a loved one, grief can be hard to manage for many people. If you know someone who is grieving and you are concerned about them, as well as recommending to them to seek a grief recovery therapist in Wall NJ or where they are, here are some more ways you can help them.
Listen to them when they need to talk
It is important to actually listen when they want to talk and not talk over them or switch off. Whether it is on the phone or in person they need someone to listen to them, even if it has been said before. Someone who is grieving might not talk for a while but then when they want to they need someone to vent to. It might be to rant about the loss, or to talk about the person and the life they lead and what they meant to them. They just need to be validated and listened to.
Give them a loving and safe environment to grieve
People who are grieving, as well as seeing a depression therapist in Wall NJ or in their location, need a safe place they can express themselves and grieve in whatever form that takes. They can that way learn it is safe to let their guard down and let out their emotions and their thoughts without judgment. It is a lot healthier than bottling things up. Try to avoid making comments or criticisms towards the person grieving, saying that they should be over it by now or less emotional or anything else critical is not helpful. Things like saying real men do not cry is also not helpful. Anyone should feel they can cry if they need to.
Be patient with them
A grief recovery therapist in Wall NJ can give them a great place to express themselves and methods of recovery, but in the meantime, you need to be patient with them, for however long they might grieve for. Some people are able to keep on with everyday life and move on quicker, some might need longer. Some might seem like they are doing well but at a later time suddenly fall into a deeper sadness. Some might never seem to fully recover from the loss they have experienced. Through it all, you have to stay patient. No looking at your watch when you visit, talking to them about taking too long, or any other comments like that.
Encourage them to find enjoyment where they can
Even if this is a couple of minutes where you tell a cute story about your children that makes them smile, or you watch a comedy together and they laugh, it is important to help them find those positive moments amongst the grief. It is okay for them to smile sometimes even when they have lost a loved one.
With the support of a grief and loss therapist in Wall, NJ and the help of good friends and family people can manage their grief, you just need to be there for them.