Santa Claus is a mystery in the endless world of children’s imaginations. Do you deprive your child of the charm of the existence of the greatest, legendary Christmas hero? What to follow in making such an important decision as truth and the lack of a profession and drawing happiness from the land of magic?
Christmas without Santa Claus seems to be stripped of all the charm and atmosphere of anticipation. Throughout the year, children receive gifts from their parents on birthdays, name days and the like, while Christmas time is a time when you are longing for a gift from a secret friend of all children. It is someone from the outside, someone who gives a dream gift, not only for good behavior, but above all because of unconditional love and sympathy for all children around the world. This is children’s faith that motivates them to be good and helpful to others as mentioned on the site.
The pre-Christmas period stimulates the imagination, allows you to focus on your needs and desires. Therefore, it affects not only intellectual but also emotional development. By sending letters to Santa Claus, children learn to write correctly, put sentences into a logical whole and coherent text. Greybeard is also the main topic of pre-Christmas art classes, an image on greeting cards. So his character is present at school and at home. When we deprive his unusual face of the truth of existence, many of these activities and Christmas Eve customs may completely lose their meaning. Because why draw an image of someone who does not exist on a Christmas card, wait and try for someone who does not exist?
On the other hand, a child who believes in Santa Claus will at some point collide with real facts that will brutally change the image of the entire holiday. It can be an unpleasant experience, a hard and unacceptable truth that was not passed on by the parents. So why trust my parents, teachers who deceived me so much? Regret and bitterness after losing something important, an element of tradition, may turn out to be too destructive for a young person. So what is the decision to be made? Contrary to appearances, the answer to this question is not as difficult as it may seem.
Well, it is unimaginably unpleasant that children would forget about their childhood with Santa because of the profession that will surely affect them. There is a good time for everything. Each stage of a child’s life should be monitored by the parents, who must provide wise guidance in introducing a child to the world and the laws that govern it. They are mainly responsible for the child’s perception of the world, for the presence and importance of fairy tales, spells and magic in his life.
From an early age, they have to teach their kids to distinguish between fiction and reality, or else terrible accidents involving children would happen everywhere in the world. Children who believed that you can fly, live under water like mermaids, that all animals are gentle and friendly and similar stories. It is nothing more than accustoming your children to certain disappointments, presenting facts that are aimed at ensuring safety, learning independence and logical thinking.
The child will not give up his favorite fairy tale when he finds out that her hero is not real, he doesn’t live in a gingerbread house or a tulip flower. He will accept this fact and will enjoy watching a fairy tale, even though it is a false world and his fairy-tale friends have never existed and will never exist. Parents often do not even know that they have been preparing their offspring for a long time to face another disappointment that can be many in life. And the world of a small child will not collapse from this and it will be up to the parent whether the holidays will really lose their power, whether it will be possible to enjoy them despite the lack of a gray-bearded benefactor. Fewer and fewer children believe in the existence of Santa Claus. The child encounters this painful truth of his fictional character in the earliest years of school. This means that there aren’t many more Holidays in which the child is convinced of his arrival and giving gifts. And this time should be used in the best possible way. When the first doubts arise, you can gradually give your child information.
In the future, he may feel sorry for the parent who tried so hard to lie to him. The sharp mind must not be misled. You can tell a child an interesting legend about Santa Claus, because you can believe in the existence of a good, gift-giving man who loved children above all else. All people admired his love and goodness, so they wanted to imitate him. who was trying hard to lie to him.
Parents can look for some interesting gift ideas for their children and play online casino to earn extra cash. Buy your child a modern wall lamp in the shape of a dog or your favorite hero!
From now on, we can play with the child in such a Santa Claus and make our loved ones happy with hand-made gifts. Time spent with a parent is not replaced.