According to the national sleep foundation, forty percent of Americans say that feeling tired or fatigued interferes with their daily lives. The go-to for almost every single American is a quick stop through the nearest caffeine drive through. Sodas, coffees, teas, energy drinks, they all have caffeine. However, caffeine doesn’t actually give us energy as much as it tricks our brain into thinking we don’t feel tired.
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Power Nap
For some unknown reason it has become absolutely frowned upon for human beings to take a rest. We feel like we have to be productive every minute of the day, but that is not true. Oftentimes if we take a 15-20 minute power nap, we will return more refreshed and more efficient. A nap can be a great use of time. One word of caution with naps is to set an alarm and make sure that you do not nap too long or it could leave you feeling more tired.
Sleep Hygiene
Chances are that people who get good, restful sleep for at least 8 hours every night don’t feel fatigued as often as those who do not. In order to increase the amount of sleep as well as the quality of sleep you are getting each night you should take a look at your sleep hygiene. A good bedtime routine is very important. We live in a world full of screens, and screen time before bed has been shown to make it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Nutrition Boost
Sometimes adults are not as different from taking care of a baby as we may think. Everyone knows that a baby will likely not sleep as well or as long if their belly isn’t full. While most adults do not go to bed hungry, it is important to make sure that our bodies have the proper nutrition that they need. IV nutrition therapy is one avenue to increase energy levels in a natural and healthy way. There are certain nutrients received in an IV clinic that can be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly and leave you with that energy boost you have been craving. When our body isn’t properly nourished it is hard to feel good.
Stress Management
People who feel stressed often feel drained in every aspect. Stress and fatigue typically go hand in hand. Because stress is so bad for our health, it really can leave you feeling tired mentally as well as physically. Cutting out sources of stress in your life is always a good option. If you are in a stage of life that comes with high amounts of stress, take the time to learn and practice some good stress management techniques. These could include meditation, exercise, taking breaks as needed, etc.
To summarize, it is best to treat fatigue with real solutions that will actually help in the long term. Caffeine consumption is not going to fix all of your problems when it comes to lack of energy. However, hopefully we have provided a solution here that can help you see some other alternatives.