Mental stamina is a person’s ability to stay focused on difficult tasks. This is exactly what is needed for prolonged hard work of the intellect. And also not only successful but also quickly learn new skills.
Procrastination and tendency to switch from working tasks to other things indicate a low level of psychological endurance and the need to increase it. We can help you with this by suggesting five simple ways.
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Replacing Procrastination With Rest
It is impossible to work at the same pace all day. Sometimes you just need to stop to have a little rest, come to your senses. What do most employees do during short breaks? It’s hard to resist temptation and not enter social media, place bets on 20Bet, or chat with friends. A person at such moments is more likely to be distracted and waste time than rest.
The best way to take a breath is to close your eyes and try to disconnect from the problems. Even five minutes per hour is enough to keep you productive.
The Habit of Tuning Into the Work Process in Advance
Few people are positively affected by the forthcoming mental exertion. Even as schoolchildren, many people begin to prepare for an important test on the eve, rather than in advance, putting off an important question in a long box.
Practice shows that the longer the postponement of work “for tomorrow”, the higher the level of stress at the moment when it does move from the dead point. In some cases, when “deadlines are burning”, and the time when one could do everything in a relaxed mode is hopelessly lost, one can observe real panic.
It is useful to develop a useful habit of adjusting yourself in advance, drawing in detail in front of the mental eye the upcoming work process. Such visualizations may not be to your liking either. However, they can greatly reduce stress during the actual action.
The Habit of Starting Work at an Accelerated Pace and Finishing It Calmly
Observing many office workers during a project, you can notice that the beginning of work is at a relaxed pace, and some even procrastination can be seen. The closer to the date of delivery of the project, the higher the tension. And on the eve of the final day, all hell breaks loose. Why not try to do the opposite?
Make it a rule to start work with maximum effort and the greatest investment of effort in progress, so that towards the end of the work allow yourself to relax and work at a relaxed pace.
The Joy of Each Conquered Peak
Being rewarded for a cycle of action is an important motivating factor. It’s important for everyone to see the results of the efforts they put in. The more victories, the higher the level of motivation to take action.
An obstacle in the way is difficult to call a motivating factor. For many people, the appearance of obstacles on the way causes a lot of negative emotions and leads to a drop in motivation. Often even overcoming an obstacle causes nothing but a desire to rest.
To maintain motivation, you should choose small goals that are easy to take, or break a big goal into many small steps, each of which will be an additional incentive. In doing so, focus your attention not on the ultimate success, which is still a long way off, but on the process at hand.
Reducing Work Time
If you write down all the things an average employee has time to do during the work day, you may be surprised to find that in eight hours you could easily do in five. Try limiting your own time to perform a task list equivalent to a day’s work from eight hours to five, and do your best to get everything done as planned. The result will surprise you, and the remaining time can be devoted to things you haven’t gotten around to in a while.