The gaming industry has seen growth of over 200% since the start of the pandemic. Online gaming appeals to many industries and offers entertainment for people of all ages. Aside from the entertainment factor. There are also many games that are educational and can help kids with their learning and memory skills. This may seem fun but there are still dangers when it comes to online gaming. Many gamers have fallen victim to scams, identity theft and harassment online. Since gaming is continuously growing, it is important to be aware of what risks are out there. Here are some tips recommended by top providers of IT services in London to stay safe while gaming.
Be aware of what you download
Many games have to be downloaded onto your device. Many games have made use of cloud computing and always need updates to ensure that their software is up to date. This is great for gaming but can put your security at risk. The need for constant updates has given cyber criminals a new opportunity to trick you into downloading malware. This can happen when downloading mods from unauthorized sites. If you do choose to download from these sites, ensure that you have good antivirus software installed to prevent any further damage.
Make use of privacy settings
The best way to stay safe online is to keep your personal information safe. There are settings on your devices, the apps you use and on your browser that will help to protect your privacy online. Many companies profit off of your personal information and in some cases, finding the privacy settings may be more difficult but it definitely is there. Make sure that the privacy settings are enabled on any online interface that you use.
Remember to take breaks
It is easy to get sucked in when you’re gaming. Sitting or laying down and staring at a screen for hours can have a major effect on your physical and mental health. It is important to remember to get up and stretch or go for a walk to get some fresh air and stretch your legs. If you find that you are spending too much time gaming, there are features available that will allow you to set a time limit on the device you’re playing on. This way you can ensure that you are maintaining a healthy balance between gaming and the rest of your life.
Never overspend
There are many games that will offer a free trial or the option called play-to-win. Many games are also free download but to get certain features of the game like new weapons, you’ll need to buy these features. Some games will give you the option to play to earn these features, which gives you a choice between the two, while others only allow you to buy them. This is not a problem on its own, but when there are endless updates and new purchasable features added, it ends up costing a ton of money. These games also make use of psychological tricks to get you to spend more money on their games without you even realizing how much you’ve spent. This is why it is important to track your in-game spending.
Have fun
The main thing to remember is to have fun. Online gaming opens a new world that allows you to have fun on your own, with your friends or potentially meet new people. The memories made while gaming can be just as great as those that are made in person, as long as you keep your safety in mind.