If you have kids in the class that simply love to write and want to do everything that you can to ensure that their gifts are fostered and encouraged, there is plenty that you can be doing on this front. Ultimately, you should be aiming to push them in the right direction as much as you can, and there is a lot that you can be doing here. So, let’s look at a few ways of inspiring the future author kids of tomorrow.
Learn About the Authors and Illustrators
Rather than simply leaving a book hanging in the air with no real idea of who the author happens to be, it is going to be worth talking about their histories. This is especially worthwhile when it comes to thinking about what they were doing as kids as you can get into a situation in which the kids in the class can start to draw parallels with their own lives. This way, they are not going to feel like they are in a situation in which these are the people who simply feel too far away from what they are doing. Therefore, the children are more likely to imagine themselves working as author in the future.
Encourage Regular Writing
Ultimately, if you are going to be inspiring the kid authors of the future, there is no doubt that the writing that they are doing needs to be done regularly. This way, they are going to be able to make it a habit rather than something that is a chore. As a teacher, you should be looking at how you can inspire them with different types of writing rather than always the same. You never really know what type of writing they are going to want to get into. It is also going to be worthwhile aiming to make things a little more interactive if you can, using tools such as https://studentreasures.com/start-your-classbook/scripsi/ as a way of pushing them that little bit further and seeing their creations come to life as well.
Bring in Authors
As well as being able to learn about the actual lives of the authors, it certainly takes things one step further if you can actually bring the authors into the classroom to talk about their lives directly and answer any questions about their working life. When the kids can speak to them directly and they do not seem to be so mysterious, there is no doubt that it can begin to feel more like a career choice that is an actual possibility rather than one that is so pie in the sky that it is not going to end up happening for one reason or another.
Being able to inspire the future authors of tomorrow is a highly rewarding task and one that can end up being so worthwhile in so many different ways. So, now is going to be the time to take on this challenge by using some of the top tips above and your own.