Numerous organizations rely on administrative assistants to aid in the office. Each of them looks for admin staff which is why there are multiple job openings around the globe.
Hypothetically, you are looking for administration jobs in Sydney. There are questions that you might be asked specifically about the area. In addition, multiple others are commonly asked for every admin job. Knowing the questions can help you ace your interview and land the job. Here are a few questions and the sample answers that one can answer.
The STAR Technique
Many behavioural questions are asked in an interview. The technique here is to answer concisely with real-life answers. STAR is an abbreviation used for situation, task, action, and result. You must follow a process instead of answering vaguely when any question is asked. Instead, define the case where you did something related to the question and your role there. After that, describe your actions and finally the result. It should usually end in a positive outcome.
Question 1
Why do you want to be in an admin role?
These kinds of questions are asked to understand why you are looking forward to an administration-related job. Moreover, it helps them know whether you are serious about your career progression or doing it just to get some cash. Ideally, one should answer this question by telling some good situations where they enjoyed being in an admin position. If it is your first time, answer honestly. If you have work experience, use the STAR technique and confidently answer what you enjoyed most at previous stints.
Question 2
What software and office equipment are you familiar with?
Firstly, to prepare for this answer, one must list all the software and equipment like Microsoft office suite, etc., that they are proficient with. Secondly, try and find the software and equipment that might be useful for your current job and if you know how to use them. Interviewers ask such questions to see if they need to spend time in training you or if you could give a head start to work. Start your answer by telling all the software that you are proficient at. Also, link it with what you did at your last job and how you efficiently used that software and office equipment.
The software usually used may differ from country to country. If one is looking for administration jobs in Sydney and has experience in a different country, they must check out the differences beforehand.
Question 3
What are the core skills that can impact challenging parts of your role?
Your answer to this question showcases your skills and how you deal with challenges while doing your job. As an admin, one needs to talk with various people and deal with multiple tasks. When you answer with support of the STAR technique, you showcase the skills you have, how you used the same in the past and how you will use them in your current organization.
When you talk about challenges, you express the uncomfortable situations and how you overcame them. You are talking about your weakness, but in a way, you used your strengths and won over them.
There may be different ways of asking the same questions, but you should be well prepared. When you know the answers to these basic commonly asked questions for the admin role; you are in a better state of answering. You increase the chance of being selected as you are confident and sorted. Be it an admin role in Sydney or London, always be well prepared.