How to choose a profession, if everything quickly gets boring, These people with great enthusiasm take any job, but also quickly lose interest, switch to new directions, often change jobs. Many move from city to city, trying to avoid routine and were often students with a growth mindset in school. The kaleidoscope of events is no longer happy, and in part, this hinders – every time to find new connections, make acquaintances, and everything again in the career field.
The Chase for Emotional Nails
Some scientific magazines conducted several experiments, thanks to which they were able to figure out the type of people who want to constantly change careers. This has to do not only with personality traits but also with their environment and surroundings.
Experts explain the behavior of such people:
The student, being faced with choices in adulthood, can’t get enough, wanting everything and at once. For example, the used homework help cpm but wrote essays by themselves. So constant work is boring, and the constant change of scenery is a source of energy supply. Activities that are not tied to one place will suit such people.
- Transactional analysts link the behavior to the desire to please everyone everywhere. If there is no “tasty” interesting “breakfast” at one job or during studies, there is bound to be an excuse to change the cafeteria.
- Such people tend to “jump out” of situations rather than see things through to the end.
If a graduate can think about retraining, people with this set of qualities will immediately change the level of education or profession, choosing a suitable “plate”, which will turn out to be more of their own.
Sometimes the profession makes to go deeper into the origins of knowledge, to conduct “excavations” of interest – to change the direction of the firm, to develop a completely different policy. In such cases, the student or already a specialist will be able to stay for more than 2-3 years, but not every organization will be able to retain a valuable employee just by changing the activities of the firm.
The inability to enjoy successes
It would seem that years later you can turn around and see what successes a person has achieved. But this is not enough for him – he will look for a “low place” to re-enter the path of struggle. It is inherent in such people:
- Wasting personal time, for the good of the company or colleagues;
- Seeking change, making new acquaintances;
- To experience the fear that everything will quickly get boring.
The best place will be the profession, which combines the adrenaline and unpredictability, but stability. Due to their nature, they will take up several cases at the same time, although they do not have time to do anything.
What to do and how to choose a profession?
To begin with, it is worth making plans and choosing the most successful option for yourself:
Partly a creative job that will not let you quietly spend time at the table at the laptop. Specialists have time in a day to visit different places, to meet with many people. The danger of the profession is that you constantly need to be in the center of events, travel to hot spots, be at sporting events and even collide with politicians. If this does not scare you, and in companies with different people is easier to find common ground, the profession is for those who like adventure and a change of scenery.
In different hypostases there are directions:
- PR journalist;
- In radio and television broadcasting;
- In print publications, as copywriters;
- In an electronic magazine, as translators and article writers;
- In press offices and beyond.
The specifics can vary from job to job – ranging from being busy with documents to traveling to the corners of the world.
Event planner.
They have to work with customers of varying levels, get out of difficult situations, and the schedule is constantly changing, sliding. Intensive employment will not only allow them to do several things at once but also develop unique scenarios for guests. There are several positions available:
- Celebration Organizer;
- Children’s Celebration Manager;
- Event Accompanist.
By the way, the political field also requires a person who will organize tables for important people to meet. If the fun side of the evening is not your profession, it is worth thinking about an alternative.
Marketing, PR
Marketing is a core part of any business that will thrive. As such, marketing professionals are one of the most sought-after individuals in the world today.
In a nutshell, marketing is about promoting products and services to a company’s target audience through traditional and digital methods. Typically, marketing professionals work as part of a marketing team in business organizations.
On the other hand, public relations focus more on maintaining the reputation and image of a company. PR professionals also work as part of a public relations team in large organizations. However, you may find a role as sole PR manager in a smaller company or as part of a big firm’s marketing team.
That said, marketing and PR often overlap in several organizations in today’s world. This is mainly because of the modern-day digitalization of both roles, as marketing and PR personnel now consistently interact with today’s consumers online.
As such, they’re often found working together across company websites and social media channels to promote products and services and enhance the brand’s reputation simultaneously.
On a day-to-day basis, though, a typical marketing professional is involved in:
- Creating advertising campaigns for new and existing products across traditional and online channels
- Conducting market research on competitors, market trends, and consumer behavior to help improve existing marketing strategies or facilitate new methods
- Preparing materials and content for product launches and advertising campaigns
For PR professionals, their day-to-day activities involve:
- Pitching positive and engaging stories about the brand/company that reflects its values, mission, vision
- Building relationships and fostering interactions with the media and consumers
- Preparing press statements for company press releases and conferences
- Preparing speeches for company executives ahead of industry events
Fortunately, today’s digital reality means much of the tasks in marketing can be executed remotely. Digital marketing mediums and techniques relieves marketing professionals from the confines of a brick-and-mortar office and gives them the freedom to work from home.
That said, if you’re looking for opportunities in marketing, check available remote positions in digital marketing here.
Creative professions
Photographer, actor, stylist, makeup artist, copywriter, website builder, archaeologist – all people do what they love and put their views on life into it. Stylists and makeup artists are always guided by the client’s image. The same goes for shopping – whether you’re a blogger or just a reviewer, a critic or someone with the talent to dress a person with a “needle”, the profession of creativity will require an emotional lining.
Cosmetologists provide personal care services that include caring for people’s hair, skin, and nails. Cosmetology school provides both the academic and hands-on training required to master the trade.
Archaeologists are always traveling the world, exploring discoveries and filling their lives with impressions. Introverts will suit such directions as authorship in books and stories, while extroverts will find their way to the stage as a first or supporting actor.
Project Manager
If a graduate has decided to tie his life to economics, it is possible to go headlong into projects – in any field.
- It is a constant control of the work of subordinates;
- The need to coordinate the work of several subdivisions with 15 or more people in each;
- There is no boredom here – constant movement and coordination of work.
If upon graduation there is an opportunity to immediately “get to work” a position with unlimited opportunities for growth and development, it is worth trying your hand. Perhaps then you will want to sit down in front of your papers and not rush anywhere, sorting out the backlog of creative natures.