For some students, math is one of the toughest subjects and many struggle with it. And studies show that children who struggle with math early on usually find it difficult to catch up as they move up. However, the good news is that, with some help, the students will find it easier to understand. So, if your child is struggling with elementary math, some proven strategies can help math be a less overwhelming and difficult subject for students. Let’s take a look at these tips:
Focus On One Formula At A Time: When it comes to math, you need to build a strong foundation to proceed, which means you have to start from the basic formulas. So, even if you are tempted to pass the one that is difficult to understand, try to learn it before you proceed to the next formula. You may think that it is okay to skip some formulas, but this will only have a negative impact in higher grades. If it is extremely difficult to understand, opting for Elementary Math Tutoring can be beneficial.
Practice More: One thing about math is that the more you practice, the better you’ll get. So, if you feel like you have understood the concept but not entirely, consider solving more problems instead of just setting them aside for the next day. For instance, when you do your homework, instead of just completing the ones assigned to you, you can also take a look at the other problems. More practice will result in a better understanding of the concept.
Use Math Manipulatives: Some students learn best when hands-on experiences are provided, so consider making use of math manipulatives. Providing hands-on experience can significantly improve a child’s math skills. There are simple objects such as color tiles, cubes, fraction circles, blocks, and others that can be used as manipulatives. So, if a child learns the best when provided hands-on experience, consider this approach.
Get Help, If Required: Some math concepts are very difficult to understand, so if the child is finding the problems extremely difficult, consider getting help. You can always look into Elementary Math Tutoring, ask for help from the teacher or a classmate who understands the concept well. Asking for help from someone who understands the concept well provides major benefits.
Consider Joining A Study Group: Another tip is to join a study group or start one if there aren’t any. Many students can learn better in a collaborative working environment, so joining a study group, whether it is online or with friends from school can be helpful. This way, you can help each other out when you do not understand a formula. The group can also get the help of a tutor if additional help is required.
Work On Improving Your Math Vocabulary: Sometimes students find it difficult to understand the math question, so for these students, working on improving their vocabulary can be beneficial. Improving math vocabulary can enhance the overall math skill. Even to enhance the math vocabulary, hands-on experience can be beneficial if it can be implemented. You can look out for interesting ways to improve their vocabulary, such as drawing pictures of the words, finding the word in real life, or other methods.
Lastly — Believe In Yourself!: Believing in oneself is the most important aspect in any endeavor. Many will feel discouraged thinking that math is such a tough subject, and give up even before giving it a try. To avoid this, you should always believe in yourself and try to maintain a positive outlook. Having a negative outlook only restricts ability, so even if you think that it is impossible, remind yourself that you can do it. This is a proven tactic to boost and improve math skills for elementary kids.