There’s nothing quite like smoking using a bong for a lot of people. Bongs provide excellent filtering and may provide strong, smooth, and pleasant hits.
However, as you may have observed, not all bongs are created equal. Acrylic, silicone, ceramic, and glass are the most common materials used in bongs. Each material has its own distinct qualities and traits. In this post, we’ll go through the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as where they shine and where they don’t.
You’ll know exactly how to pick the ideal bong for you at the conclusion of this essay.
Let’s get this party started.
Table of Contents
1.Bongs made of acrylic
Acrylic bongs are typically the most cost-effective bongs available. Colorful decorations and a variety of forms can be seen on these bongs. Plus, they’re very light and won’t break if you drop them.
Acrylic, on the other hand, can interact with smoke, especially during protracted smoking sessions. This can give the smoke an unpleasant odor and make it tougher on your lungs.
If you want to smoke a bong made of acrylic, do so.
You’re a budget smoker seeking for a temporary bong or an inexpensive backup.
Bongs made of ceramic
High-quality ceramic bongs, unlike acrylic bongs, do not interact with smoke. Instead, they create a glass-like experience that allows you to savour the flavor of your cigarette.
Ceramic bongs have more sophisticated or creative shapes than glass bongs because ceramic is more malleable and simpler to mold than glass. They may even look nothing like a standard bong. Ceramic is likewise more robust than glass, despite the fact that they’re just as prone, if not more, to shatter.
Ceramic bongs on a budget are much more innovative and inexpensive than glass bongs. However, the lack of vision into the chamber may make a complete cleansing difficult.
If you want to smoke a bong made of ceramic, go for it.
If you want a bong that can also serve as a piece of décor, or if you want something less expensive than glass, this is the place to go.
Find mini bongs here!
Bongs made of silicone
Silicone bongs are a relatively recent addition to bong materials, but they’re proving to be rather popular.
Silicone may deliver quite smooth sessions because it is easy to clean (dishwasher safe) and does not interact with the smoke. Furthermore, completely silicone bongs are very indestructible and inexpensive.
Glass pieces, such as a glass water chamber or mouthpiece, are also available as silicone/glass hybrids. These hybrids can provide many of the benefits of glass in a more durable, easier-to-pack package. Keep in mind, though, that you should only buy a bong manufactured of “food-grade silicone.” Many less expensive bongs are composed of non-food-grade materials and may emit dangerous elements into your smoke.
If you want to use a silicone bong, you should:
If you’re seeking for a portable, inexpensive, and unbreakable bong, or if you want a charming, one-of-a-kind piece of design, this is the bong for you.
Bongs made of glass
When it comes to the smoking experience, glass, particularly borosilicate glass, is the ideal material for bongs. Glass bongs provide the purest smoke since it does not interact with the smoke at all.
Percolators, ice catchers, diffusers, and other filtering mechanisms are commonly used in glass bongs to separate and chill the smoke. Smaller and less expensive glass bongs may not be as excellent at filtering smoke as high-quality acrylic bongs, but they can still provide a better experience. Exotic glass bongs manufactured by outstanding glassblowers and artists with distinctive designs are also available.
Glass, on the other hand, is plainly delicate, and even a minor break might damage the item as well as your smoking session, so they’re not designed for clumsy hands. Because the greatest glass bongs are generally the most costly, they are unlikely to be affordable.
If you want to use a glass bong, you should:
If you’re searching for the purest smoking experience or a dependable go-to piece that will last a long time with proper maintenance, this is the item for you.
The TL; DR version
Each bong material is unique, and each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Hopefully, we’ve decoded the characteristics of each one. Here’s a simple guideline:
Glass is more expensive, but it produces the cleanest smoke.
Ceramic: Unique patterns, nice smoke, and a lower price point.
Acrylic: It’s really inexpensive, but it doesn’t produce a lot of smoke.
Silicone is a cost-effective, easy-to-clean, and smoke-friendly material.
Still undecided on which one to get? Take a peek at our bong selection to discover what appeals to you.
By the way, highly recommended, and too much used glass bongs are retail by Eaglebongs. This is one of the best bong brands, which offer you cheap bongs with high quality. And also, high-level service is provided in Eaglebongs. Check out why this happens.