Despite being a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, the amount of misinformation and confusion surrounding hemp oils is staggering. From making bold and often false claims to misunderstanding the legality of CBD oil, even brands selling the substance often get it wrong!
Therefore, we’ve created this quick overview of five fascinating facts about CBD oils that you might not be aware of. Plenty of cannabidiol sellers certainly aren’t!
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1 – CBD Oils ARE Psychoactive
Many websites mistakenly claim that hemp oils containing cannabidiol are non-psychoactive. This is untrue. The correct term is ‘non-intoxicating’ because CBD oils do not produce a high.
However, CBD is certainly psychoactive. The definition of “psychoactive” is something that affects the mind. Since cannabidiol is often linked with improvements in conditions such as depression and anxiety, it is classified as a psychoactive substance.
2 – CBD’s Legality is Often Unclear
The confusion surrounding hemp oils is not helped by the refusal of various governments to make clear-cut rules. For example, cannabidiol oil Australia is legal as long as it contains
minimal THC and at least 98% cannabidiol. In most of the European Union, the substance is legal if its THC content is 0.2% or less, but some nations don’t make it clear whether the cannabinoid is permitted or not.
In the United States, it remains a complex issue. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the growth of hemp with a maximum THC content of 0.3% by dry weight. However, the legislation did not legalize CBD or any other compound. Instead, it opened the door for individual states to permit the cannabinoid.
Most states tolerate the use of low-THC CBD oils, but few have dedicated laws. Indeed, Idaho and Kansas have stricter laws surrounding the cannabinoid than every other state.
3 – CBD Can Counteract THC’s Intoxicating Effects
Technically speaking, a bottle of hemp oil can legally have a level of THC that potentially intoxicates a person. If you were to consume an entire bottle of CBD oil containing 30ml of the liquid, you would ingest a significant amount of THC.
However, you won’t get high because the elevated CBD content prevents it. Cannabidiol blocks THC’s ability to overstimulate the ERK pathway in our hippocampus, thus preventing negative side effects. There is plenty of research to back up such claims, not to mention a mountain of anecdotal evidence!
4 – European Law States That CBD Isn’t a ‘Drug’
Opponents of CBD oils claim that the substance is unhealthy, and there isn’t enough research into its safety. In reality, cannabidiol is perfectly safe, as long as it comes from a reputable provider. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already found that CBD has no potential for abuse, nor will it produce dependence.
In fact, according to the European Court of Justice (ECJ), CBD isn’t even a drug! In November 2020, the ECJ stated that cannabidiol extracted from cannabis shouldn’t be classified as a drug under the 1961 UN Single Convention on Drugs. Consequently, the ECJ doesn’t see why it would belong on any list of scheduled drugs.
5 – WADA Allows Athletes to Use CBD
There is a long and unfortunate history of athletes using performance-enhancing drugs to cheat. They got away with it in the old days due to a lack of proper testing protocols. While sophisticated testing methods are available now, cheating is also a more complex process.
For a long time, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) had CBD on its list of prohibited substances. It was a remarkable action given that cannabidiol isn’t known to boost performance specifically. It does have benefits such as potentially reducing inflammation, thus allowing athletes to recover faster. However, it doesn’t belong in the same category as anabolic steroids.
Fortunately, WADA saw the light and removed CBD from its list of prohibited substances in 2018. This is great news for athletes as they can now try the substance without fear of reprisals. Many athletes find that hemp oils reduce their dependence on addictive opioids.
Fascinating Facts About CBD Oils – Final Thoughts
As the hemp oils market grows, we hope there is a decrease in the level of misinformation about CBD online. However, it is up to each person to educate themselves and conduct detailed research. CBD oils have many potential benefits, so search for a reputable brand and see what the compound can do for you.