Cannabis consumption is on the rise in North America and around the world. More and more people are turning to cannabis for its therapeutic and recreational benefits. Thanks to the internet, it’s now easier than ever to buy cannabis online. You’ll be able to enjoy all of your favorite strains and products in no time.
Hemp-derived CBD products are widely available online on sites such as or in retail stores and can be taken in many different ways. The same is often true for cannabis.
There are actually a lot of ways a person can consume this drug: they can make it as an ingredient for desserts, make it as a tea, or they can even make it as a lotion for skin applications. Each form of cannabis and consumption has different effects on a consumer. Whether it’s for recreational use or medical purposes, below are the three examples of each aspect:
Three ways of cannabis consumption:
- Inhalation
One of the ways of consuming marijuana is by inhaling it. Smoking, vaping, or letting it on fire are some of the examples of cannabis inhalation. Using this method actually results in faster effects of the drug; thus, many consumers prefer inhaling it. Vaping is said to be the most recommended method of inhaling it because the ingredients are not burned and it will less likely to harm the lungs.
- Sublingual
Sublingual is the method in which the cannabis (which can be in the form of strips, tinctures, or pills) is placed under a consumer’s tongue and is dissolved by saliva, which will then be absorbed by the blood vessels of the gums. Many people also prefer sublingual consumption because, oftentimes, it tastes better and is more efficient.
- Topical
Topical is the method in which cannabis is directly applied to a person’s skin. Some examples of topical forms are lotions, creams, or oils. Upon applying, topical cannabinoids are then absorbed by the skin, which will then be distributed to various blood vessels of the body to improve their health. This is one of the easiest and most convenient methods of consuming cannabis, and one of its perks is that it is non-psychoactive.
Three forms of cannabis:
- Oil
One of the forms of cannabidiol is oil; cannabis made into this form can either be consumed through sublingual, topical, or even through inhaling by vaporization. CBD oil is said to have positive effects because it was able to medicate people with anxiety and insomnia problems. In addition, CBD oil can relieve pains, reduce sickness symptoms, and can benefit your heart.
- Pills or Edibles
Pills, tabs, capsules, or edibles are also one of the forms of CBD. Consuming CBD in this form can reduce internal pain and inflammation in a person. Plus, it can also improve sleep disorders and anxiety. It is one of the easiest methods of consuming this drug. CBD and THC gummies are one specific example of marijuana edibles.
- Creams or Lotions
Creams, lotions, and even bath soaps are some of the examples of the different forms of CBD. These can be applied through topical consumption. Plus, these won’t likely cause mental problems because they are just applied to the skin and won’t likely reach the brain nerves. Powders are also one of the forms that can be applied through topical consumption. They can medicate skin problems, and it is effective for long periods of time. Usually, this form is popular among elderly consumers.
To conclude, bear in mind that cannabidiol consumption is just to be taken lightly and moderately. High doses of this drug can affect a consumer negatively, causing such things as panic attacks, mental problems, and internal intoxication. Wise usage of cannabis is highly encouraged to be observed.