As of today, there are more than 6 .5 billion smartphone users in the whole world which very well justifies that the security of the mobile platform is definitely been compromised and it should be top-notch. The majority of the applications are already dealing with sensitive information ranging from the address of customers, banking information and the precise location as well which could be very much problematic if in danger right from the very beginning. So, it is very much important for organisations to be clear about the technicalities of the mobile platform security so that everyone will be able to deal with the whole new set of applications very well and ultimately will be able to enjoy a good understanding over the sophisticated and coordinated cyber-attacks without any kind of problem. Depending on experts in the industry like Appsealing can be considered as a good idea on the behalf of people so that everyone will be able to understand the current trends and misconceptions associated with mobile platform security right from the very beginning. As the developer, it is very much advisable for people to be clear about the best safety practices available in the world today so that things are sorted out and further everyone has a good understanding of the basic technicalities. Some of the misconceptions associated with mobile platform security are explained as follows:
- Developers know the inside of the clean and bug-free code: It is very much critical for people to be clear about the technicalities of the bug-free code and other associated things so that if security is not by design then developers need to have a good understanding of the multiple technicalities in the whole process.
- Application stores provide a secure trusted safe application: Google and Apple App Stores are very well known for their safety and security measures in this particular case but the basic irony in this particular concept is that it will be only for the guidelines and compliance associated with the application programming interface. Understanding the technical dynamics and frameworks of the application is very much important so that the key driver of responsibility will be understood without any kind of issues.
- Focusing on the robust framework along with robust security layer: Unfortunately, there is no such layer that cannot guarantee the security of application from a specific language or vulnerability associated with the third-party library. So, implementation of the technicalities of security in this particular world is the most important thing to be considered so that things are sorted out very easily and proficiently right from the very beginning
Some of the top-notch mobile platform security best practices to be taken into consideration are very well explained as follows in this particular world:
- Performing penetration testing: Testing the code for any kind of vulnerability to the injection attack is very much important to be considered so that everyone will be able to enjoy the coverage of all the basis without any kind of doubt.
- Employment of the temper detection techniques: Using the anti-tempering and tempo detection techniques in this particular world is definitely important so that code tempering will be the bare minimum and ultimately things will be sorted out very well and there is no scope of any kind of practical difficulty at any point of time.
- Remaining minimalistic with application privileges: Any kind of very well-designed and secure application should be focusing on the right kind of relevant permissions in the whole process so that things are sorted out and further people will be able to deal with technicalities. It is advisable to uninstall all these applications with specific permissions that are leading to the security of personal data or not. Hence, remaining very much minimal with the application privileges is important so that things are sorted out as and when required all the time.
- Using a very high level of authentication: As a developer, it is very much important for people to be clear about designing the applications in such a manner that excepting is done only in the cases of strong passwords, biometric security or multifactor authentication. This will be definitely helpful in ensuring that there will be no scope for any kind of practical difficulty at any point in time.
- Encryption of the data: Employment of encryption wherever possible is very much important so that even if the data is stolen there is no chance of any kind of misuse throughout the process. Unless the cybercriminals will not be having any kind of access to the decryption key they won’t be able to use the data which will be definitely helpful in giving a great boost to the protection element.
- Writing of the secure codes: One of the major things to be taken into consideration by people in this particular world is to make sure that they are only writing safe and secure codes so that reverse engineering becomes very much difficult to be carried out throughout the process. Focusing on the robust operating system is definitely important in this particular world so that everybody will be able to enjoy access to the impressive degree of security of such devices without any kind of problem. This concept will be helpful in providing people with an easy understanding of the multiple technicalities right from the very beginning so that things are sorted out very proficiently.
On the other hand, mobile application and platform security have become a big deal in recent years which is the main reason that modern organisations need to make sure that they are never forgetting any kind of security measure to be implemented. Companies like Appsealing are always at the forefront of providing people with a good understanding of things with the help of safety measures like runtime application self-protection and other associated things. The company is very well focused in the world of integrity protection, memory access detection and other associated things so that everybody will be at the forefront in terms of dealing with multiple technicalities without any kind of problem. Hence, focusing on the above-mentioned points is advisable to launch the safest possible applications in the industry.