According to a 2020 survey, more than three of every four workers prefer diverse companies and rank this as an important factor when evaluating job opportunities. When companies are eager to hire the best talent, they need to ensure that they’re focused on diversity and inclusion to meet that goal. Here are a few key ways that companies can improve their diversity.
Establish Mentorship Programs
Diversity and inclusion need to start at the recruitment part in order to be successful. For companies that may be recruiting new grads, implement a program that will specifically target employees from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities. When one company implemented proper D&I initiatives, the share of women in management rose by 10%. Keep employees engaged by having mentorship programs for these new hires so that they are more likely to stick with the company. Being in a minority may lead some to seek out other positions but having a mentorship program will encourage retention.
Create Diversity Training Opportunities for Leadership
Most companies provide some sort of diversity training, but it can often be taken grudgingly and not seriously by management. Create programs that are not required but instead will provide benefits for managers. Creating an ant-bias lens doesn’t happen in one seminar. Consider taking on programs which offer continued learning and awareness. Not only will having the option to opt out make managers more interested in taking on this opportunity, the continued learning will help to cement diversity and inclusion into their mindset and leadership style.
Improve Grievance Processes
Employees who feel discriminated against may feel as though they can’t complain to their HR representative or they assume that their complaints won’t be taken seriously. A flexible complaint system should offer more than the standard path for resolution. Instead of the traditional formal hearing process, offer informal mediation. This is not required but can be used by the person filing the complaint if desired. Companies may even want to consider not relying on human resources but instead hire a neutral contracted mediator to come in as needed so that both parties feel that this is neutral. Not only can this help to resolve complaints, but it’s a smart move for companies who may end up saving in litigation fees.
Finally, consider creating a diversity team that tracks and monitors the diversity and inclusion methods the company is using and recommends additional changes or steps as an ongoing method of improvement. Companies that are large need to keep their ears open to changes happening in the world around them and can better do this with a team of targeted and focused individuals. These are a few solutions for companies today who want to create and maintain diversity in the workplace.