Are you a die-heart Star Wars fan? And, if you have always fantasized about which type of lightsaber you would choose, you can experience your dream weapon by buying it from online sources such as ZIA SABERS. You can customize your lightsaber by choosing a hilt and color, such as a Curved hilt lightsaber.
History of lightsabers
Like so many other incredible inventions, the lightsaber did not always exist in its current form. Various weapons of relatively primitive design likely inspired the eventual advancement of the lightsaber, but these forerunners remain largely unknown due to shaky historical records.
The forcesaber, created and used by the Rakata thousands of years before the Republic, was one of these early proto-lightsabers. The Force Hounds Rakatan hunters who are in tune with the Force created these weapons powered by a particular crystal.
Forcesabers were made in various styles, some of which resembled the later lightsaber. The forcesaber’s association with the dark side, on the other hand, limited its influence. That meant that members of the Jedi Order (the Jedi’s forefathers) couldn’t use the weapon without becoming corrupted. But the basic concept of the forcesaber appealed to the Je’daii Order.
How lightsabers were invented
The Jedi designed the first lightsabers, but the Sith and Dark Jedi adopted them. These weapons, like later lightsabers, used a focusing crystal in the hilt to generate the blade. Unlike later lightsabers, they were powered by a large external power pack connected to the handle via a cable. As a result, the lightsabers became somewhat unwieldy. During the Old Republic Era, these weapons were used in the Hundred-Year Darkness and other conflicts.
The Sith made technological advancements that led to the development of lightsaber design features that did not require a power pack. Lightsaber wielders now had much more liberty of movement during battle. During the Great Hyperspace War, the new and improved Sith lightsaber first appeared, and the Jedi quickly adopted the design.
The history of the lightsaber does not end here, as many innovations were made later. As the Star Wars universe expands, we can expect many new types of lightsabers with different colors, like a purple lightsaber.
Different types and colors of lightsabers
Although you can customize your lightsaber speaking about, the types of lightsabers are divided into different variants, namely
Hilt Types
- Standard
- Electrum
- Curve-Hilted
- Tonfa-Style
- Wrist Hilt
- Gallery of Hilt Types
Blade types
- Single bladed
- Dual-Phase
- Great Lightsaber / Light Club
- Short Lightsaber
- Shoto
- Training Lightsaber
- Underwater Lightsaber
- Firesaber
- Dark Saber
- Gallery of Blade
Weapon categories
- Double-Bladed Lightsaber
- Fiber-Cord Linked Lightsaber
- Forked Lightsaber
- Lightsaber Cane
- Lightwhip
- Light Ring
- Qinata
- Lightsaber Pike
- Gallery of Weapon Variants
Every lightsaber color has a unique identity
Blue and Green Lightsaber
Blue and green lightsabers are the most popular among the Jedi Order and the Sith. Blue has long been linked to positive qualities such as truth and serenity, whereas green is associated with growth and harmony. Other colors of lightsabers, however, have significant meaning. Anakin Skywalker wields a blue lightsaber, while Luke Skywalker wields a green one.
Purple Lightsaber
Purple lightsabers are rarer, but they are often regarded as a symbol of nobility and wisdom. In the Star Wars universe, Mace Windu is the only Jedi ever to wield a purple lightsaber and is regarded as one of the Order’s wisest members.
To Conclude,
As mentioned above, every lightsaber wielder has a unique set of qualities, and their color denotes them. So you can customize your lightsaber accordingly.