One of the main ways in which many organizations raise capital for any number of reasons is through fundraising drives. Most often it will be a school, church or some kind of nonprofit group that has only this way of raising much needed money. Churches, private schools and charities are often reliant on money raised in annual fundraisers and having the ability to track results is important on a number of levels. With all that said, the one thing which so many charities and other organizations don’t understand is the benefit of taking their fundraiser online. Let’s look at how that can benefit your group.
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1. Transparency
One of the reasons why Fundraising Brick suggests posting a free fundraising tracker template online is because it makes everything transparent. If you post what they’ve labeled as the Fundraising Thermometer Builder on your group’s website, anyone who donated to it by buying a brick can see exactly how much you need to raise, how much is yet to raise, and the time left in your fundraiser. It makes everything transparent to anyone who accesses your site. Sometimes people are literally afraid to donate because of all the scams they’ve probably fallen prey to in the past.
2. Progress
As mentioned, donors like to follow the progress of a fundraising campaign they’ve contributed to. Sometimes if it seems like progress is too slow, they will get motivated to suggest your fundraiser to friends and families of their own. Keeping track of progress is important to everyone involved. It can be exciting, but it can also be frustrating. However, don’t despair! Some people are motivated more by lack of progress in a cause they support while others may feel a bit dejected. That’s okay as well because after the initial sense of failure, their efforts may be renewed!
3. Call-to-Action
What we were referring to above is that marketing term “call to action.” To help donors follow your progress, you can insert a call-to-action button or link. This will take them to a different page on your website that will tell them just what you are trying to earn money for. Again, it may motivate them to buy yet another brick or perhaps start talking to their friends on social media. The more online advertising you get, the greater the possibility of engaging new donors. Sometimes all it takes is an awareness that there really is a fundraising campaign going on and now that they are aware, others just might help further the cause.
4. That Final Push to the Finish Line
Visibility and transparency will be the hope for a final push to the finish line. Whether you are close or have a way to go, your members and donors will want to be part of a success so they will almost always join in to get the wheel rolling faster. Perhaps now you can see just how important it is to move your fundraiser to the internet. It’s the only way anyone can track and applaud your progress from start to finish. The Fundraiser Thermometer Builder is one app that is easily posted and perhaps the best fundraising tool to ever hit the market.