These days everyone has become very skin conscious and so it’s causing a lot of allergic reactions, pigmentation, blemishes, scars, acne etc.
External factors such as pollution, polluted water, harsh soap , harsh face washes are the main cause of skin issues. Polluted microns start depositing in skin and lead to cellular damage and skin issues , cleaning of pores is so important as they are very minute so deposition cannot be seen in early stages but this is the root cause of skin problems.
But along with External factors, internal factors are also responsible for skin issues such as less drinking water, junk food, unhealthy food, unhealthy lifestyle etc. All of such directly affects our blood and ultimately leads to problematic skin. What is shilajit is another term which people often want to see.
In order to solve all of this according to Ayurveda there is a mineral based extract called Shilajit . It is obtained from mountain rocksĀ mainly from Asian countries. It is obtained in tar like form which is of dark black in colour
In Ayurveda there are a lot of benefits mentioned already with great benefits.
Shilajit is a natural ingredient which keeps the skin healthy and glowing naturally.
It consists of fulvic acid and has great anti- oxidant properties , helping in skin brightening, pigmentation, complexion etc.
- Pollution is one of the main causative factors for skin issues such as wrinkles, skin loosens, less elasticity in skin, pigmentation , Tissue damage etc.
Shilajit is one the best option against all of such it helps in slowing the ageing process, as it has great anti- inflammatory properties, anti- oxidant properties
- Cell damage leads to skin pigmentation, elasticity loss, complexion issues, and Shilajit works well against all of this. Shilajit consists of magnesium, copper, zinc which helps in collagen production, tissue repairing, reverse skin ageing signs, reduces pigmentation , maintains complexion and skin health etc.
- Shilajit naturally consists of a lot of minerals inside which helps in improving the skin health at microscopic level , cellular level with least side effects if used in prescribed and right dosage.
- When Shilajit is applied on the skin it works as a natural cleanser and helps in cleaning the pores. It works as a detoxifying agent and helps in skin detoxification and also helps in removing the free radicals from the skin which are responsible for skin issues and dark pigmentation. Shilajit resin is one of the forms of shilajit consumed by people.
- You can have Shilajit both as an internal and external application. Pure Shilajit should be taken in prescribed dosage otherwise it can cause
- You can apply it as an cream and externally mix Shilajit with pure water on the affected skin .
Along with all of these skin benefits Shilajit has numerous benefits with limited side effects if taken in prescribed dosage such as it enhance the strength and stamina, it also reduces the level of stress and anxiety , reverse ageing process, improves brain health , promotes health and wellness , enhance the functioning of body metabolism as it is naturally so rich in minerals and have numerous properties