I’m going to share how to say numbers in Roblox using various tricks. Saying numbers are not allowed in Roblox but you can use these tricks to do that.
Roblox safe chat does not allows users to type numbers to provide a safe environment for children. So that they don’t share their personal details.
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How to Say Numbers in Roblox
There are various tricks that we can use to say the numbers in Roblox. We’ll go one by one through all methods and you can try which one works for you.
Trick 1
The first trick to say the number in Roblox is typing a URL address in one message. Copy the whole text below and paste it in the chat box.
/e https://www.roblox.com/games#/
Then send the number in the second message. It has worked for most players.
Trick 2
The second trick to say number in Roblox is to use inches. First send any word and then put that word first, then add inches and add number in the end like shown below.
- Level
- Level inches 8
Trick 3
The third trick is to use the term sek. The procedure is similar to that of inches trick. You don’t need to send any message first. Here just time the works like level 88 sek and you are good to go.
How to Turn Off Safe Chat on Roblox
If by any case, the safe chat mode is on for your Roblox account, you can turn it off using simple steps. It has also worked for underage players. You have to contact roblox support to turn off safe chat mode on your account.
People have reported that they were able to get out of safe mode and trick the Roblox support by claiming that they mistakenly put the wrong age. When you go this page in the category option select the problem is change under age. Give them solid reason to change the date and safe mode can be turned off.